Friday, Oct 16 Webbhead Halifax, NS Comfort Hotel Bayers Lake Harbour Hopper Tour Nova Scotian Crystal Citadel Hill Halifax Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Pier 21 – Halifax Waterfront Halifax Public Gardens St Marys Basilica Halifax Waterfront Halifax Waterfront Halifax Waterfront Halifax Waterfront Halifax Waterfront Harbour Hopper Tour Old Town Clock Looking toward Dartmouth Marine Museum of the Atlantic Halifax Waterfront Halifax Waterfront Historic Properties Historic Properties Casino Nova Scotia The ramp to the water Entering the water Casino Nova Scotia Marine Museum of the Atlantic Light from a Lighthouse Nova Scotian Crystal Nova Scotian Crystal Nova Scotian Crystal Nova Scotian Crystal Alexander Keith’s Entering The Citadel Inside The Citadel Inside The Citadel Leaving The Citadel Leaving The Citadel The Citadel from outside The Citadel from outside Titanic Graves Titanic Graves Titanic Graves